The Inspiring Mrs. Funk Nasty

My girlfriend is the President. Fuck yeah! Pretty VIP if you ask me. And she should be the president, she was the founder!

I’m not explaining myself very well.
Today was the uOttawa Dance Club’s Year End Recital in support of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, CHEO. Leading the team of hardworking young ladies (and two brave fellas) was my girlfriend, Caitlin.
When it comes to the uOttawa Dance Club, my lover is Queen shit, she’s the boss. She started the club two years ago from the flookiest of flooks and it constantly reminds me of how crafty and cool she is. Now I don’t know what the uOttawa dance team was or more likely wasn’t smoking that fateful day in 2011 when Caitlin tried out for the team, but for what ever reason she didn’t make the cut. 😦
But fuck that. Ain’t nobody gonna keep my girl from dancing. Nobody puts Baby in a corner, especially after she just spent the last four years as an executive member of the McMaster Dance Club while competing with the Dance Team AND getting her learn on. My baby took that rejection email and made some tasty ass lemonade with it.
If you ask me it wasn’t incredibly thoughtful for la team to make their cuts via a mass email without at least BCCing the poor girls, but alas, that’s what them bitches did. But fuck me and my opinions, my girl saw opportunity. That crafty bugger hit ‘reply-all’ and reached out to her fellow disappointed dance team hopefuls, anyone who just wanted to dance. Through this act my lovely lady had just created a community that was going to bring people together and add something to each of their lives. I’m certainly not that cool.
The endeavour was definitely a struggle at first, but in these last two years I’ve really watched Caitlin catch her stride. I saw the club force my stubborn girlfriend to recognize how sometimes you simply can’t do it all on your own. She rolled with each punch and eventually brought together a team of passionate dancers she could trust to share her excitement and passion. After watching the show go off without a hitch today, I think its safe to say she picked the right team.
I find it truly inspiring to be beside my girl as she lives out each day, doin’ hers, and watch as she brings a little extra light to everything she does.
Your First Gentleman,
Greg Roberts 

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